[nmglug] Hello all, looking for internet service provider in Albuquerque

Peter Reed mrdeadworry at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 20:02:57 PDT 2008

Hello all,
I am Peter Reed and have been reading nmglug for awhile while I have been here 
in Albuquerque on a job and have found that I like it enough to move here.  I 
come from back east, Cape Cod, MA and have been using Comcast and previously 
Adelphia as my ISP before being purchased by Comcast. Basically because that 
was my only choice in ISP.  Here it seems I have a little more choice and I 
am hoping that you all can recommend a good ISP to use here.  I am a Linux 
user so it would be preferable that the ISP in question is Linux friendly or 
at least tolerant of its use.  I enjoy reading all you posts and have found 
some good information in my Linux journey.  Thanks for all your guidance in 
this matter.
Peter Reed
Linux user. 

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