[nmglug] Hello all, looking for internet service provider in Albuquerque

Eric Krieger unmlobo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 04:55:45 PDT 2008

As much as I don't agree with Comcast secretive policies (i.e. bandwidth
shaping, unspoken utilization caps,etc) I would would go with them. I
think much of what we are seeing from Comcast now is an effort to get
ahead of coming bandwidth increase....


...having a bunch of p2p clients with access to 160Mbps network, when
you also need it for there HD content services, could bring a network to
it's knees.


Peter Reed wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am Peter Reed and have been reading nmglug for awhile while I have been here 
> in Albuquerque on a job and have found that I like it enough to move here.  I 
> come from back east, Cape Cod, MA and have been using Comcast and previously 
> Adelphia as my ISP before being purchased by Comcast. Basically because that 
> was my only choice in ISP.  Here it seems I have a little more choice and I 
> am hoping that you all can recommend a good ISP to use here.  I am a Linux 
> user so it would be preferable that the ISP in question is Linux friendly or 
> at least tolerant of its use.  I enjoy reading all you posts and have found 
> some good information in my Linux journey.  Thanks for all your guidance in 
> this matter.
> Peter Reed
> Linux user. 
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