[nmglug] a new home computer -- tips?

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Fri Jun 12 09:27:25 PDT 2009

You don't get much quieter than a Mac Mini.


And it will run Linux, Windows, BSD, Solaris (x86) etc.  Should use any USB
keyboard and mouse, and your current monitor so it meets the "well under 1k"


On Fri Jun 12 11:28 , Mark Galassi <mark at galassi.org> sent:

>> What's your budget?
>I'd like to keep it under $1000, in fact much under that, but
>I'm really just trying to get info like "Dell's new line has
>good disk controllers and is quiet", or "HP has leapfrogged
>Dell in features/price ratio", or "the Dell xyz line has a crap

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