[nmglug] production server question follow-up

Andres Paglayan andres at paglayan.com
Fri Oct 9 12:43:57 PDT 2009

On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 13:08 -0600, J. Marsden DeLapp wrote:

> Andres Paglayan wrote:
> > now I just ordered the hardware, since the chassis supports 8 disks, and 
> > the mobo 6,
> > so I purchased 8 disks just to have two identical spares sitting there 
> > unplugged.
> You should plug in the spares somewhere and run them for at least 24 hours to make sure they have a good burn-in and 
> identify any that would fail from infant mortality.

clever, didn't think of it

> > Since I don't see myself changing or adding disks during the life of the 
> > server,
> > I will not do LVM on top.
> I would use LVM. I have learned that plans change and always using LVM makes life easier when the unexpected change happens.

the other unspoken truth about avoiding LVM is my lack of experience on
building complex disk partitions,
specially dealing with the boot partition on these scenarios,
I am foreseeing a lot of reading here

> Mars


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