[nmglug] MIDI question

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Wed Sep 23 11:03:32 PDT 2009

On Mie Sep 23 13:58 , Andres Paglayan <andres at paglayan.com> sent:

>quick Q
>My 6 year son got a keyboard with MIDI I/O
>I am resuscitating some  box with Ubuntu Studio for him,
>Much to my regret I am music ignorant.
>Studio comes with great software for writing music from MIDI and tons more
>But I don't have a clue on how to get from the MIDI out to the Machine.
>Please pardon my naïveté
>Do I need just a cable?
>is there a card I have to get? or an external usb device?
>Any advice is welcome,

You will need a midi interface, modern ones are USB, older ones are serial.  If
you have an older machine with a "joystick port" they often included a midi
interface but you would still need the cable which is probably impossible to find
today.  I don't have any experience with Midi under linux so someone else will
have to recommend a specific device.


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