[nmglug] MIDI question

Bill York iago at pobox.com
Wed Sep 23 11:05:46 PDT 2009

yeah, you'll need a MIDI interface for your computer. plug your
keyboard/other MIDI device into it.

they make some pretty cheap <http://tinyurl.com/m78m7t> USB ones, but I
don't know about Linux compatibility. Since Mac has a UNIX core, you may be
able to find some device drivers for them.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Andres Paglayan <andres at paglayan.com>wrote:

>  quick Q
> My 6 year son got a keyboard with MIDI I/O
> I am resuscitating some  box with Ubuntu Studio for him,
> Much to my regret I am music ignorant.
> Studio comes with great software for writing music from MIDI and tons more
> But I don't have a clue on how to get from the MIDI out to the Machine.
> Please pardon my naïveté
> Do I need just a cable?
> is there a card I have to get?
> or an external usb device?
> Any advice is welcome,
> Thanks!
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