[nmglug] Network question

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Fri Jan 29 20:23:31 PST 2010

Find out what hardware he is using.  type lspci and look for "Ethernet
Controller: ..." This will tell you the type of chipset (intel, 3com,
etc). You will need a kernel that has support for that hardware, in
the form of a module. Type lsmod to display your running modules. Keep
in mind some dysfunctional hardware requires firmware to be loaded. In
this case, I recommend disabling (in the bios) or removing that
network card and installing one that does not require non free
firmware. Its not worth dealing with non-native hardware:-(

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:06 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:
> My brother is trying to get his old HP box set up as his newer MicroTel
> crapped out. We'll be woroking on that at some point but for now he'd
> like to get the HP functional. He's running Hardy on it and all seems
> fine except for networking.
> His ISP is Comcast and he recently bought a wireless router so his wife
> could use her laptop at home. He set up the router with the MicroTel and
> all was fine until the MicroTel crapped out.
> I thought that he'd just be able to plug the HP into the router and have
> ethernet since the router was al configured but apparently that is not
> the case. He says that there is no network choice to pick from either
> NetworkManager or the Network tools. this makes no sense to me.
> The HP does not have wireless support.
> Any ideas of where to start with this?
> thanks,
> Brian
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