[nmglug] Linux kernel 3.0

Mark Galassi mark at galassi.org
Mon Jan 23 10:52:14 PST 2012

    BrianO'Keefe> Hi all, I'm finding lots of "how-tos" on the web to
    BrianO'Keefe> install the 3.0 kernel. Is this advisable as i am
    BrianO'Keefe> running Ubuntu 10.10?

In general I would stick to the kernel updates from your distribution
unless you are doing very special things.

Note that it might be a bad idea to run 10.10 for so long: 10.10 is not
a "long term support" release, so it's probably best to keep it current.

See this page for a description of the LTS releases and expiration in


Vis-a-vis your updates, sometimes an explicit deliberate install of one
or two might then make apt-get install them all:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -u install linux-image-generic

and see if that changes things.

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