[nmglug] Check a disk?

John Osmon josmon at rigozsaurus.com
Mon Mar 25 17:18:29 PDT 2013

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 05:41:09PM -0600, Nick Frost wrote:
> I neglected to mention that if you want to mount a partition other than
> the first one in an image an offset may need to be specified when loop
> mounting;
> http://wiki.edseek.com/guide:mount_loopback
> mount -o loop,offset=32256 -t ext3 /mnt0/rescued-image.img /mnt1
> the same applies to non-ext3 file systems (NTFS), etc.

In case it isn't obvious to others:

You can also choose to ddrescue the drive a partition at a time, rather
than the entire disk -- and then the loop mount won't require any

Depending on geometry and/or problem, sometimes on partition has no
issues, while another has several.  In the long run, there's no *real*
difference, but sometimes getting a whole partition off a failing disk
*feels* better than waiting for an entire disk!

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