[nmglug] Beginning C Programming

Holaday, Rene rholaday at lanl.gov
Wed Jun 11 14:42:21 PDT 2014

Excellent!  I'm doing something similar now with Campbell Scientific hardware at work, which is BASIC.  I haven't done basic in many years...  never thought I'd see it again.  Can Arduino's also be programmed in BASIC?  I don't know much about them, but the project sounds like fun - I do solar on the side.

S. René Holaday,  rholaday at lanl.gov
LANL Engineering Services, ES-UI
BAS Team, Sched A
505-665-9053 office
505-699-8476 cell

-----Original Message-----
From: nmglug [mailto:nmglug-bounces at lists.nmglug.org] On Behalf Of J. Marsden DeLapp
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:30 PM
To: nmglug at lists.nmglug.org
Subject: Re: [nmglug] Beginning C Programming

On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:18:32 -0500
Mark Janssen <dreamingforward at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/10/14, J. Marsden DeLapp <jmdelapp at delapp.com> wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend a good book for high school students wishing to 
> > learn C Programming?
> There really isn't any reason for high school students to learn C
> programming or any language hat uses pointers.   The evolution of
> programming has advanced so far that it's really a poor direction 
> unless they are doing hardware work.  Otherwise, the need to worry 
> about the hardware details interferes with the art of programming.

Who would have thought that learning C programming would be so controversial?

The project is to build a PV solar system monitoring and control system. The system will consist of Arduino(s) to interface with the solar system(s). The Arduinos will communicate via RS485 to a Beagle Bone Black. The Bone will run a web server for the HMI, providing for monitoring and control.

The solar system will start out as just a PV module and battery.
The first step it to set up an Arduino to monitor charging and battery voltage. Next will be to design and build a PWM battery charge controller.

Arduinos require C programming. 


J. Marsden DeLapp, PE
DeLapp & Associates, Inc. dba DeLapp Engineering.
Providing lighting and power planning, design and analysis services for commercial, industrial and large residential facilities.
1190 Harrison Road Ste 3a
Santa Fe NM 87507
(505) 983-5557
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