[nmglug] Fwd: cranky computer

Sam Noble s at mnoble.net
Fri May 15 13:33:42 PDT 2015

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 02:23:55PM -0600, Mark Galassi wrote:
> Our mailing list is configured to (a) set a Reply-To: to the list
> (yuck), and (b) to not send a copy to the author.

Yes we do a dreadful and popular header mungeration.
Sorry to all for the inconvenience/embarrassment.

Perhaps it's time to re-re-evaluate that setting:

Arlo, I know you've been spelunking in ancient list archives,
if you get to it before me, link up the decade old discussion on this
subject, we knew it was bad then, but kept it for reasons I've


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