[nmglug] Fwd: cranky computer

Arlo Barnes arlo.barnes at gmail.com
Fri May 15 13:43:43 PDT 2015

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 02:23:55PM -0600, Mark Galassi wrote:

> Our mailing list is configured to (a) set a Reply-To: to the list (yuck),
> and (b) to not send a copy to the author.

a) is probably unusual (but with the rise of webmail, I suspect the
distinction between Reply and Reply-all is being lost to many users now),
but b) is the norm, since usually a person's Sent mail is stored when they
send it anyway.
If my assumption about webmail is correct (for instance, Gmail allows you
to choose Reply or Reply-all when, well, replying, but hides it behind a
tiny dropdown menu), it might be good to have Reply-all as 'default' -
keeps discussion in the community. Although as we see it has unfortunate
side effects.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Sam Noble <s at mnoble.net> wrote:

> Arlo, I know you've been spelunking in ancient list archives, if you get
> to it before me, link up the decade old discussion on this subject, we knew
> it was bad then, but kept it for reasons I've forgotten.

 The nmglug October 2003 Archive by thread

Anyway, it appears I was conflating A. Paglayan (Andres
A. Martinez (Anthony), and A. Kaluta. Sorry, all!

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