[nmglug] No google search

Max Bond max.o.bond at gmail.com
Sat May 13 13:09:12 PDT 2017

Sorry for the chat-style messages, but as a last note, I know you tried
changing your DNS settings, those last tests are meant to check for your
ISP rewriting DNS responses. It's been known to happen.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Max Bond <max.o.bond at gmail.com> wrote:

> (Obviously NXDomain hijacking wouldn't cause the problems you're
> experiencing, that's more meant to gauge CyberMesa's willingness to tamper
> with your traffic.)
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Max Bond <max.o.bond at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could you run a couple of commands to test for bad behavior by your ISP?
>> # Middleware boxes? Won't reveal clever ones.
>> traceroute google.com > tr-dns.txt
>> traceroute > tr-direct.txt
>> # NXDomain hijacking?
>> dig any ghkdsjfsdfldsfmensdfosdfsdfnwe.net > nxdomain-default.txt
>> dig @ any ghkdsjfsdfldsfmensdfosdfsdfnwe.net > nxdomain-google.txt
>> # DNS MITM?
>> dig any google.com > dns-default.txt
>> dig @ any google.com > dns-google.txt
>> curl -IX HEAD google.com > http-dns.txt
>> curl -IX HEAD -H "Host: google.com" > http-direct.txt
>> (echo -en "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: google.com\r\n\r\n"; sleep 5;) |
>> openssl s_client -connect > https-direct.txt
>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Tim Embler <
>> timlists at tristarcreations.com> wrote:
>>> yeah I would have thought the restart would have done it. like you even
>>> when the browser can't connect, pinging it still works fine for me too
>>> which is why I ruled out dns. I have a feeling you tried this but have you
>>> tried clearing all of your google.com cookies/cache? That also
>>> temporary fixed the issue for me but I have log back into anything google
>>> which makes that a pain.
>>> On 5/13/17 1:00 PM, Brian OKeefe wrote:
>>> I found many people having this experience on the forums but the efforts
>>> that I tried which were solutions for them didn't help me. Like I wrote, no
>>> browser that is not in a VM connects to google.com. My ISP is Cybermesa
>>> and they tried to help with DNS settings but that's all fine and was never
>>> an issue before anyway. I've tried disabling all add-ons for Firefox and
>>> that doesn't make a difference. A restart, which would kill all instances
>>> of all apps doesn't help.
>>> There are many "fixes" out there. Just none of them fix my problem,
>>> which is essentially identical to what other users, like you, experienced.
>>> they solved the issue. I cannot.
>>> On 05/13/2017 12:50 PM, Tim Embler wrote:
>>> While this issue is sad I am still so happy to see someone else having
>>> this issue and it is not just me. Like you I have searched everywhere and
>>> have not been able to find anyone else having this issue. Are you using
>>> Chrome/Chromium? I was using Chromium at first but when the issue started I
>>> switched to Chrome which did also have the same problem. I have not tried
>>> using Firefox for an extended amount of time to see if that also has this.
>>> If I kill all instances of Chrome/Chromium it will connect to google again
>>> but after a few hours the issue comes back where it will not search/connect
>>> to google.com. You do have to make sure you kill all instances of
>>> chrome/chromium for that temporary fix to work. On a permanent fix I have
>>> no idea at this point.
>>> On 5/13/17 12:40 PM, Brian OKeefe wrote:
>>> Hi all. Sorry to have missed meetings and not been in contact so it's a
>>> bit awkward asking for help. But I will!
>>> I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on an acer laptop. Until a few weeks ago all
>>> things google worked fine and it was my primary search engine. It started
>>> slowing down trying to connect to google.com, www.google.com,
>>> http://www.google....you get the idea. Eventually, about 2 weeks ago it
>>> just stopped connecting at all. So:
>>> I checked every forum and help page I could find. I changed DNS servers
>>> to open DNS, googleDNS, changed all configuration files to reflect those
>>> changes, many command line instructions and on and on. None of the Solved
>>> marked issues solved my problem even though the symptoms were the same.
>>> I run 2 VMs, Ubuntu 16.10 and FreeBSD. Both of those machines can use
>>> google as normal. that seems weird to me.
>>> I can load something like groups.google.com and then chose apps like
>>> gmail, drive, photos and several others but not calendar or maps (which is
>>> what I really want). I can use all those apps on the VMs though.
>>> In 16.04 no browser loads google. com
>>> I can ping google.com with no packet loss.
>>> I'm stumped.
>>> Help?
>>> Thanks
>>> Brian
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