[nmglug] recent meeting,

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 16:39:09 PDT 2018

NMGLugers, We had a decent meeting on Thurs. the 13th here in Santa Fe. Six
in attendance, most were long-time users of one flavor of Linux or another.
I feel I am the least well versed on the commandline, but still hold my own
in listening in on current troubleshooting and past experience of the
'pros' in the field.
We have one new arrival, to Santa Fe, not to Linux, Lee, formerly of
Madison, WI. He talked some of work with Sparc and Solaris in the past, but
now using Linux on an older laptop. We may be able to help with an upgrade.
I have install media for Debian 9 and Xubuntu 18.04 for 32 bit systems as
well as Debian 9 for 64 bit. While Ubuntu 18.04 does not have a 32 bit iso,
there seem to be enough alternatives to keep some of the 32 bit units up to
date. I'm prepping this for a few people, not at the meeting, who use
I hope the folks in Albuquerque have made arrangements to meet up and form
their own group - as travel to Santa Fe can be a hindrance for our casual
meetings. good to keep it local and maybe draw out a few more users and
potential users.
Do talk up Linux to any and all potential users. It's really ready for the
average user as my circle of friends confirms.
Thank you, Ted P., Santa Fe
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