[nmglug] recent meeting,

Alucard alucard at swcp.com
Fri Sep 14 17:46:36 PDT 2018

I recently installed lubunutu (32-bit) on a system with a Pentium 4 and 
512 MB of RAM. I had to install ubuntu minimum (Ubuntu has 32-bit 
support that way), then installed LXDE from apt. I do *NOT* recommend 
using this. Firefox wouldn't a blank page without using swap. If you are 
forced to use such a low-spec machine, maybe an SSD with a larger than 
normal swap would make it use-able. But my advice, don't revive a 32-bit 
machine. Most distros are moving away from 32-bit support.

You can ask me questions directly, if you have any.

Officially we have not setup anything for an Albuquerque LUG.

Anthony pointed out that he thought there was a LUG (or a LUG style) 
monthly meetup at Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. However I 
didn't see such a thing on their calendar. So this might need more 
research, or even a phone call.

Aaron mentioned that it was okay to use QueLabs to setup a meeting. So 
either that, or Ideas and Coffee would be a good place to start.

However the timing seemed like the biggest barrier. The times that 
people on this mailing list requested the most, is during a time that I 
am at work. Thursday nights. I am willing to ask my job to switch my 
time around on Thursday. But this would be very difficult as there is 
less coverage on Thursdays. On top of that I have only one car (which is 
failing to work properly) for two people that have a total of three 
jobs. Sorry if it feels like I'm complaining, I'm not.

This is the current poll: https://www.strawpoll.me/16369401

I'm interested in helping solve technological problems that plague New 
Mexico. There are plenty here. And I wouldn't mind making friends, that 
have similar interests, along the way. :-D

And I am looking for input. So if *you* have any, please share on the 
mailing list.

-- Jared

On 09/14/2018 05:39 PM, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> NMGLugers, We had a decent meeting on Thurs. the 13th here in Santa 
> Fe. Six in attendance, most were long-time users of one flavor of 
> Linux or another. I feel I am the least well versed on the 
> commandline, but still hold my own in listening in on current 
> troubleshooting and past experience of the 'pros' in the field.
> We have one new arrival, to Santa Fe, not to Linux, Lee, formerly of 
> Madison, WI. He talked some of work with Sparc and Solaris in the 
> past, but now using Linux on an older laptop. We may be able to help 
> with an upgrade.
> I have install media for Debian 9 and Xubuntu 18.04 for 32 bit systems 
> as well as Debian 9 for 64 bit. While Ubuntu 18.04 does not have a 32 
> bit iso, there seem to be enough alternatives to keep some of the 32 
> bit units up to date. I'm prepping this for a few people, not at the 
> meeting, who use Linux.
> I hope the folks in Albuquerque have made arrangements to meet up and 
> form their own group - as travel to Santa Fe can be a hindrance for 
> our casual meetings. good to keep it local and maybe draw out a few 
> more users and potential users.
> Do talk up Linux to any and all potential users. It's really ready for 
> the average user as my circle of friends confirms.
> Thank you, Ted P., Santa Fe
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