[nmglug] Meeting this week,

Casey Dentinger dentinger at regnitned.net
Thu Sep 27 09:30:05 PDT 2018

Speaking of the meeting tonight, I am going to try to show up for the
first time.  SF Baking Co. at 6PM is it?

On 18-09-23 12:20:53, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> NMGLugers, I have converted a 64 bit machine to Xubuntu 18.04 LTS, so I am
> now able to compare the 32 bit and 64 bit instances. I don't have any
> comments on the 64 bit, as I have just done the first bit of  updating and
> additions of my desired applications. [Aisleriot, sox, lame, kstars,
> vim-runtime, and quodlibet] By the way quodlibet is a music player with a
> built-in Internet radio browser. Nice way to access a  variety of music and
> a low-demand player for music in my files, too. I will continue to use the
> 64 bit machine and see how it compares to 32 bit version and the Debian
> Stretch (64) I am using at this moment.
> Why do all this exploring? So I am ready to share an install and keep
> others up to date when they ask. I am trying to expand our numbers as there
> really are no technical barriers for new-comers or limits of what the
> serious user can do.
> I hope to see a few of you this Thursday at our regular meeting. Thank you,
> Ted P.

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