[nmglug] HDD > SSD

M chochoms at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 5 09:55:52 PDT 2019

I created two clonezilla USB sticks using Windows 7 and then again using
LINUX.  Both went smoothly exactly as described in the video and in
checking the USB sticks there were no errors and a physical examination
indicates that all the files appear to be there.  I am using a EFI
Motherboard from Gigabyte for an Intel 5 processor. 

Date 	07/22/2013
Vendor 	American Megatrends Inc. (American Megatrends, www.ami.com)
Version 	V10.0
Name 	Z87-G55 (MS-7821)
Vendor 	MSI
Version 	2.0

But it won't boot. It tries to, gives up, and then starts LINUX Mint or
it just throws an error about there not being a system.  

Any ideas of what I should check?  I tried all the normal things like
switching back and forth from EFI to Legacy plus EFI boot and making the
USB the primary boot disk manually.  

The beast is about 6 years old or more.   Its never had anything other
than Mint on it.  Could it be too old?  The BIOS is one of the original
EFI versions (i.e, buggy and hard to manage) and I have never updated it.

PS I built this computer myself and the Linux system is mounted on a 500
gig Samsung SSD and has 24 gigs of memory.

On 6/4/19 12:20 PM, Brian O'Keefe wrote:
> You bet Satsangat. I used a Gparted disk to find the definition of the
> drives and then the command line in the included terminal emulator
> after checking, rechecking and then checking again that I had the
> correct drive designations. I think the cloning took less that an hour
> and no data loss or other glitch. Just a new, larger SSD with all,
> everything. If someone wants to walk a through it that would be a good
> thin. I think Jason helped me as well as Eric but that was so long ago
> I don't know, besides you, who can walk a through it. It scared me aft
> first also but it turns out to be a simple process and I will do it
> again should my 1 TB SSD ever need to have more capacity. I can't
> imagine that but then I also thought that my Apple G3 desktop with 4GB
> drive was enormous! It wasn't
> Brian
> On 6/4/19 9:39 AM, Satsangat Khalsa wrote:
>> This is great info, Brian.
>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 7:08 PM Brian O'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com
>> <mailto:okeefe at cybermesa.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi All,
>>     I've mentioned before but dd makes this a simple and fool-proof
>>     method of cloning the old drive to the new one. It takes an
>>     enclosure for the new drive w/ usb connection and that's it.
>>     After checking the drive names to get the correct info into the
>>     command line it is simply running something along the following
>>     (in case your drives show up differently but this is what I did
>>     upon fellow NMGLUGgers. Special thanks to Eric almost 10 years
>>     ago!!):
>>     dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=notrunc,noerror
>>     ...will copy everything from hard drive sda to sdb  (i.e. all
>>     partitions, swap and all data), a true clone.  No need to create
>>     partitions or format them on the target hard drive as the dd command
>>     will create them because it is copy of every single block of sda.
>>     Now if you where copying a single partition to a new drive yes you
>>     would have to create the target partition on the new hard drive.
>>     dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M conv=notrunc,noerror
>>     In the command above this would clone partition 1 on drive sda to
>>     partition 1 on drive sdb.  In this case you would not need to format
>>     the new target partition either as it is again copying every block of
>>     partition 1 of the source sda1 to the target sdb1.
>>     Hope this helps.
>>     - Eric
>>     On 6/3/19 6:47 PM, a wrote:
>>>     Hi Jason
>>>     Thanks for the good thought, i do not know who that person, to
>>>     meet early, could  be?. If you will be around Thursday lunch get
>>>     things rolling, under 300Gb. or wait till later in the week, see
>>>     how things "shake out", another meeting is okay, the ssd has
>>>     arrived I have a usb adapter,
>>>      Best a
>>>     On 5/30/19 9:02 PM, jason schaefer wrote:
>>>>     Hi a
>>>>     I highly recommend coming to a meeting to get this done in
>>>>     person. For something like this its good to get confirmation
>>>>     that someone is willing and able to help you at the meeting. It
>>>>     would also be good to meet this person early to allow time for
>>>>     such a migration. I might be able to be this person next week
>>>>     but my days are so crazy its hard to say what time I would be
>>>>     able to get to the meeting.
>>>>     Jason
>>>>     On 5/30/19 5:42 PM, a wrote:
>>>>>     Hi 
>>>>>     I have ordered a 500G ssd to install my laptop, with my limited knowledge and support devices.(i no need a live disc) My tentative plan follow the Https below transfer to external HDD  then reverse 
>>>>>     the process to the ssd?
>>>>>     IN 1.)
>>>>>     ( SUDO LINE BELOW FROM; https://www.ostechnix.com/backup-entire-linux-system-using-rsync/) USING THERE SITE EXAMPLE FOLLOWING:
>>>>>      $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /mnt
>>>>>     Q.) IS MY DESTINATION CORRECTLY CONFIGURED?. SUBSTITUTING /MNT LAST PART PREVIOUS LINE FOR:  /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD TO GET
>>>>>     $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD
>>>>>     BEST.a
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