[nmglug] HDD > SSD

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Thu Jun 6 06:57:04 PDT 2019

Hi everyone,

When I went home I had some more time to look at why the /boot partition 
wasn't there. TIL



TL;DR: Some circumstances require separate partitions for swap and/or 
/boot, and even gain performance under certain circumstances. However 
there is no technical reason for a"normal" system to have separate 

Likely this was the default setup at some point. Sorry I didn't notice 
that the first time. Normally I manually setup the partitions, and have 
just added the /boot out of a "legacy" habit.



On 6/5/19 10:07 PM, a wrote:
> Brian
> I was planning to attend the meeting tomorrow if I received a 
> supportive response to my various queries this past week, Gparted 
> loaded after I rebooted, I used the given option to terminate the os 
> load so the followed offered choice which I image was used to avert 
> error , I would have tried again if I had known if the receiving SSD 
> needed to be mounted or unmounted. whether the unallocated file system 
> needed any tweeking a few basic things of that sort, I have erased the 
> ssd contents, If you will be there to assist and enough time to do the 
> load otherwise without assurance of assistance I will not make 
> attendance a priority. Nevertheless thanks for your persistence in 
> this venture.
> Best, a
> On 6/5/19 7:18 PM, Brian O'Keefe wrote:
>> Hi a
>> I think there's a meeting tomorrow? I know that you live away out and 
>> that you may not make the meeting.
>> At this point Jared is pretty right on about getting hands on help. 
>> For my last HD up grade I did exactly what Jared pointed out and I 
>> installed Ubuntu 18.04 onto the new drive and then just copied data I 
>> wanted from the old drive. I did this because my old drive's OS had 
>> been upgraded over the years (and cloned to newer drives) since 
>> Ubuntu 6.04 and had many configuration file patches, or work-arounds 
>> to get it to function. It did until one day when it blew and luckily, 
>> with Mark's help, I saved data and was able to preserve everything 
>> important with a few exceptions. Had my system not been pretty hosed 
>> and I anted the SSD I would have used dd but couldn't. That's a back 
>> story but it works just fine. I had to reinstall some apps and futz 
>> with my browser and mail client to get all of that data too but it 
>> wasn't difficult. It's not as "perfect" as a dd clone where you don't 
>> have to do anything but the cloning. It has potential downsides as 
>> you have found out, if one doesn't grok what is going on. Since I've 
>> never had an error yours is mysterious to me.
>> It is very weird that you have no boot partition on your HDD. I have 
>> a sense that in cancelling the dd op something got snipped out there. 
>> This happened with my hosed OS that I refer to above and luckily Mark 
>> was able to stop the bleed and rsync'd most of everything onto a 
>> spare drive. (I have 4 or 5 drives that I've kept from these dd 
>> upgraded drives so I have plenty of storage or salvage, depending on 
>> the need). But losing a partition is strange but could be that you 
>> did not use a bootable cd or thumb drive. Is that the case? As I 
>> wrote I use dd with a live cd and so the HDs aren't involved in 
>> anything other than the cloning. You can imagine that a drive, the 
>> one in your machine, is trying to run the command to clone itself 
>> while it is running processes as it always does. It's a moving source 
>> of data that is copying blocks that may include running processes, 
>> like GParted for instance.
>> A question that a I think I know the answer to, but did you get the 
>> lsblk info after your attempted cloning?
>> So do you have a functional OS on your machine? Can you run apps, 
>> etc.? Is your data there? If these are the case then a fix can be 
>> made, I'm pretty sure. It will take one of the supreme GLUGGers I 
>> believe. BTW, I have found tons of info on support sites as almost 
>> every issue has been experienced by someone else at sometime. Here's 
>> and example of what a google search of your error brought up: 
>> http://tinyurl.com/yxks8hww
>> Sorry that this happened but I have learned more from my mistakes 
>> than anything and one thing I have learned is that almost anything 
>> can be fixed and if I can't figure it out the answer is out there and 
>> in our cases we have a vast storehouse of brainiacs in out GLUGGer 
>> groups and they all have great dispositions and are happy to help!
>> Sorry for my verbose emails. It's how my mind works.
>> Brian
>> On 6/5/19 4:02 PM, a wrote:
>>> Brian
>>> Doesn't look too bad, should be able to come up with a quick fix, 
>>> We'll  probably need to sleep on it.
>>> Best, a
>>> On 6/3/19 7:08 PM, Brian O'Keefe wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I've mentioned before but dd makes this a simple and fool-proof 
>>>> method of cloning the old drive to the new one. It takes an 
>>>> enclosure for the new drive w/ usb connection and that's it. After 
>>>> checking the drive names to get the correct info into the command 
>>>> line it is simply running something along the following (in case 
>>>> your drives show up differently but this is what I did upon fellow 
>>>> NMGLUGgers. Special thanks to Eric almost 10 years ago!!):
>>>> dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=notrunc,noerror
>>>> ...will copy everything from hard drive sda to sdb  (i.e. all
>>>> partitions, swap and all data), a true clone.  No need to create
>>>> partitions or format them on the target hard drive as the dd command
>>>> will create them because it is copy of every single block of sda.
>>>> Now if you where copying a single partition to a new drive yes you
>>>> would have to create the target partition on the new hard drive.
>>>> dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M conv=notrunc,noerror
>>>> In the command above this would clone partition 1 on drive sda to
>>>> partition 1 on drive sdb.  In this case you would not need to format
>>>> the new target partition either as it is again copying every block of
>>>> partition 1 of the source sda1 to the target sdb1.
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>> - Eric
>>>> On 6/3/19 6:47 PM, a wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jason
>>>>> Thanks for the good thought, i do not know who that person, to 
>>>>> meet early, could  be?. If you will be around Thursday lunch get 
>>>>> things rolling, under 300Gb. or wait till later in the week, see 
>>>>> how things "shake out", another meeting is okay, the ssd has 
>>>>> arrived I have a usb adapter,
>>>>>  Best a
>>>>> On 5/30/19 9:02 PM, jason schaefer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi a
>>>>>> I highly recommend coming to a meeting to get this done in 
>>>>>> person. For something like this its good to get confirmation that 
>>>>>> someone is willing and able to help you at the meeting. It would 
>>>>>> also be good to meet this person early to allow time for such a 
>>>>>> migration. I might be able to be this person next week but my 
>>>>>> days are so crazy its hard to say what time I would be able to 
>>>>>> get to the meeting.
>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>> On 5/30/19 5:42 PM, a wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> I have ordered a 500G ssd to install my laptop, with my limited knowledge and support devices.(i no need a live disc) My tentative plan follow the Https below transfer to external HDD  then reverse
>>>>>>> the process to the ssd?
>>>>>>> IN 1.)
>>>>>>> ( SUDO LINE BELOW FROM;https://www.ostechnix.com/backup-entire-linux-system-using-rsync/) USING THERE SITE EXAMPLE FOLLOWING:
>>>>>>>   $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /mnt
>>>>>>> Q.) IS MY DESTINATION CORRECTLY CONFIGURED?. SUBSTITUTING /MNT LAST PART PREVIOUS LINE FOR:  /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD TO GET
>>>>>>> $ sudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /home/a//media/a/6fbdc743-fc0f-46e4-aea3-8160914c34ec/backup_HDD
>>>>>>> BEST.a
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