[nmglug] Compatibility from MS Word 2007 to LibreOffice Writer

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Fri Oct 25 08:21:22 PDT 2019

Adric writes:
> i usually work and save in .RTF  i find it tends to be more portable. but
> im not serious into desktop publishing or do a lot of fancy formatting.

What editor do you use for RTF? I haven't had much luck even finding
decent RTF viewers on Linux, let alone editors.

I wrote my last book in Markdown, edited in Emacs and previewed in
ReText. Getting from Markdown to docx while preserving formatting
and images turned out to be a several-step process, but I only
needed that when I was ready to submit a chapter. It was better than
trying to write while fighting with LibreOffice, and the resulting DOCX
looked nice and apparently worked well enough on the publisher's end.

But it sounded like the original poster needed fancier formatting
than either Markdown or RTF can offer. Maybe it was even formatting
that .ODT doesn't have, which might explain why saving as ODT then
reading it back in didn't work.


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