[nmglug] [ABQLUG] (RPi3 Giveaway) Event October 6 - Setting up a Raspberry Pi Pi-Hole using Docker

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Fri Oct 2 15:49:54 PDT 2020

Hello fellow NMGLUGers,

On October 6th, 2020 at from 6 pm - 8 pm ABQLUG will be demonstrating 
how to use your Raspberry Pi to setup Pi-Hole, a network wide DNS 
blocker. We will be using docker-compose to install and setup Pi-Hole.

More information can be found here:


We plan on meeting here virtually: https://live.abqlug.com/PiholeEvent

If you have not either played around with Pi-Hole or Docker, now is a 
good time to get your feet wet!

Also, if you do not own a Raspberry Pi and you are willing to drive to 
somewhere in Albuquerque. Then read this page on how to obtain a free 
Raspberry Pi 3.


If you have any questions, reply back!

~ Jared

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