[nmglug] rstudio follow up

Jonathan Haack jonathan at jonathanhaack.com
Fri Apr 2 16:47:05 PST 2021


Thanks for the rstudio tutorial last night.  If anyone is interested, 
"rstudio server" (not merely the IDE) is also designed to be public 
facing IDE in a web browser behind TLS.  All you need to do is configure 
apache to use a reverse proxy in the virtual host configuration files, 
the rest is pretty easy.  If anyone is interested, I have a tutorial 
here which steps you through the setup: 
https://wiki.haacksnetworking.com/doku.php?id=computing:rstudio - I also 
link to the two virtual host configurations that I made (adapted from 
some gitlab recipes I contributed to which also require apache reverse 
proxies).  I personally use port 8787 because I have a gitlab repo 
currently using 8181, but this can be changed.  You can also optionally 
reverse proxy to a distinct device, or /backend server /while keeping 
the primary server as a gateway, but I just use localhost for both since 
my machine is personal use and there are no load issues to be concerned 

My instance is here: https://rstudio.jonathanhaack.com//auth-sign-in? - 
sorry, no testing lol, but you can at least see the front end in the 
wild lol.

The purpose for the web browser rstudio is that you can dedicate one 
strong machine to do all of your calculations and store all your 
configurations, etc., and then work on those directly/remotely over TLS 
when off-site and/or for presentations one might do with rstudio.  
Another advantage is that your daily driving  . tinkering on your 
desktop won't crash your working environment for your rstudio 
calculations.  Currently using rstudio and r to do ECLSK analysis 
between NM students and national peers.

Apache reverse proxies information: 

Rstudio server: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download-server/

Thanks again Art, and hope some people find this interesting or useful,

Jonathan Haack

On 4/1/21 3:20 PM, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
> NMGLUgers, tonight we switch to this alternate Thursday. The Virtual 
> meeting is on, Virtual <https://meet.jit.si/nmglug>; this does not 
> prevent any sub-groups from gathering as they may prefer.
> Our topic is "Replace Excel with RStudio" presented by Art B. So join 
> us and here why this might work and feel free to opine on useful 
> spreadsheet applications, but with a broader view after we hear from Art.
> See you later. Thank you, Ted P.
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*Jonathan Haack*
Haack's Networking
phone: 505-310-6638
email: jonathan at haacksnetworking.com <mailto:jonathan at haacksnetworking.com>
Haack's Networking <https://haacksnetworking.com/>
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