[nmglug] Virtual tonight?

Art Barnes art at pin2.io
Sat Jun 12 08:30:07 PDT 2021

For the interested, here’s my sample gemtext file from my overview of the Gemini protocol on Thursday.

If you want to go down the Gemini rabbit hole, try the Amfora browser (text mode, but pretty easy to use) or the Lagrange browser (graphical, allows inlining images). Here’s a short directory I’ve built up:

## Feeds

CAPCOM Geminspace aggregator
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/capcom

=> //rawtext.club/~sloum/spacewalk.gmi

=> //calcuode.com/gmisub-aggregate.gmi

If you are submitting a feed, only CAPCOM supports the atom.xml style discussed in techincal resources.

### Flounder.Online Docs

Setting up gemfeeds on Flounder
=> //admin.flounder.online/gemfeed.gmi

## Directories

=> //transjovian.org/gemini

Random Road Gemini Directory. Larger and organized by topic
=> //directory.randomroad.net

## Gemini Technical Resources

Overview of Project Gemini
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space

=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/tls-tutorial.gmi

Gemtext quick reference
=> //admin.flounder.online/gemini_text_guide.gmi

Even quicker Gemtext quick reference
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/cheatsheet.gmi

An introduction to Gemtext
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/gemtext.gmi

How to set up Gemini feeds with Atom (used by CAPCOM)
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/gemlog/gemini-hearts-atom.gmi

How to set up Gemini feeds without Atom (used by Spacewalk and gmisub)
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/companion/subscription.gmi

Gemini webrings with LEO
=> //tilde.team/~khuxkm/leo/

## Capsules

Solderpunk's Capsule
=> //gemini.circumlunar.space/users/solderpunk

=> //calcuode.com
=> //alex.flounder.online
=> //samsai.eu
=> //fedi.flounder.online

## Message Boards

The Midnight Pub - A message board for late-night stream-of-conciousness posts
=> //midnight.pub

If you are into this, try the visual novel VA-11 Hall-A
=> https://waifubartending.com

Geddit - A place to post ind comment on nteresting Gemini pages or Gemini-related content elsewhere
=> //geddit.glv.one

## Software Capsules

A repository of PalmOS software. These get harder to find every year
=> //1436.ninja/Palm

## Search

GUS (Gemini Universal Search) Not the best, but it's something
=> //gus.guru

## Hosting

=> //tilde.team
=> //tilde.pink
=> //breadpunk.club
=> //flounder.online
=> //rawtext.club

Mare Crisum Soviet Socialist Regency
=> //soviet.circumlunar.space

Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic
=> //republic.circumlunar.space

Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu
=> //zaibatsu.circumlunar.space

## Sites or stuff that defies categorization

Serves Astrobotany, Gemini Chat & the Gemini Wayback Machine
=> //mozz.us

> On Jun 11, 2021, at 4:54 PM, Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com> wrote:
> Don, It was okay, I'm going to post a summary, but can sent you my notes in a text file. Hey! Congratulations! Hope all was well at wedding and honeymoon. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. Let me know if there is a convenient time for us to meet via video. I am usually in during the heat of the day: 12 noon to 4pm. No need to rush, I'm doing only a few things with computers, but I have improved the laptop, as I can explain. Thank you, Ted P
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 3:34 PM Don Crowder <donguitar at gmail.com <mailto:donguitar at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Sorry I missed the meeting Ted.  I was in Jemez Springs on my honeymoon with no internet.  Hope it went well.
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 2:42 PM Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com <mailto:ted.pome at gmail.com>> wrote:
> NMGLUGers, I will be at the Virtual meeting tonight. I don't know if we will catch up with Art B. and the agenda posted here. <https://nmglug.org/latest-news/> Otherwise we can catch up with any other issues or problems raised or solved by anyone at home or work. 
> See you tonight at the meeting. <https://meet.jit.si/nmglug> Thank you, Ted P
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