[nmglug] Mtg. Tonight

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 10:31:10 PST 2021

Okay NMGLugers. How about re-phasing to allow Mark to join us more easily.
In an entirely unofficial poll at last night's meeting there were no
objections and 3 of 6 were in favor. We can reply to the list to see how
everybody feels about this. If agreed we would have to pick a start date,
but that is easy enough.
Also Art B. will be giving us more information on the typesetting program
and Markdown(a markup language) at a future meeting. Otherwise we had a
good discussion which was wide ranging, including some off topic. Let me
here remind the Free Software Foundation and ItsFOSS as places to immerse
oneself in Free Software. Though I am afraid many of us are less pure about
this than we might be. I know I fail the purity test from time to time.
I just checked out the new address at 'nmgl.ug' - not sure a Ugandan host
is going to be any quicker than other hosting. This was arranged by Sam to
forward to Nnmglug.org. It does work, no apparent delay. Interesting.
Thank you, Ted P

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 12:42 PM Mark Galassi <mark at galassi.org> wrote:

> > I took a brief look at Overleaf, referenced LaTex and Tex, these are the
> > typesetting or markup language tools to make documents incorporating
> > mathematical formulae. I have not used these, has anyone who might be at
> > our video meeting tonight?
> I use TeX/LaTeX all the time, but I won't be there, although I would love
> to start joining again if we can shift the phase of the nmglug meetings.
> (I feel sheepish about that -- I had asked for this phase back when both
> nmglug and my workshops were at Warehouse 21, but that's not the case
> anymore, so now the effect is the opposite: I can never join the nmglug
> meetings.  Anyone think we could shift the phase back to the other
> Thursday?)
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