[nmglug] Mistake while emptying trash -- help

Mark Galassi mark at galassi.org
Thu Oct 21 09:42:59 PDT 2021

First, a strong caution: you absolutely do not want an "rm -rf *" in your shell's history.  I find that one way of avoiding possibly problems with repeating history while in the wrong dir is to do something like "rm -rf ../Trash/*"

As to your current question: if you just want to know the typical permissions on those dirs, below is what mine look like, so you can probably just do "mkdir files && chmod 700 files" and "mkdir info && chmod 700 info".

Trash $ pwd
Trash $ ls -la
total 20
drwx------  5 markgalassi markgalassi 4096 Feb  3  2021 .
drwxrwxr-x 51 markgalassi markgalassi 4096 Oct 21 09:49 ..
drwx------  2 markgalassi markgalassi 4096 Jun 30 22:00 expunged
drwx------  3 markgalassi markgalassi 4096 Oct 14 14:12 files
drwx------  2 markgalassi markgalassi 4096 Oct 14 14:12 info
Trash $ 

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