[nmglug] Install Brother TN227BK/C/M/Y

Kaypo Keepr kaypokeepr at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 11:15:15 PDT 2021

I'm having difficulty installing a printer.

If I go to the Brother website it gives instruction to download a Driver 
Install tool which leads to a download page. Typing in the model number 
in the search box gives this error:

/An unexpected error occurred. //
//We are now investigating the problem. //
//Please wait for a while. /

Waiting for a while does not help.
I have another printer installed on socket://, so I think I 
should try to install it via AppSocket
If I go into CUPS and select Select Device > Network Printer > Find 
Network Printer > AppSocket/HP Jetdirect, then I don't what to enter for 
the host.

/$ lpinfo --include-schemes dnssd -v/

returns nothing

My linux version:

/~$ lsb_release -a/
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal

Can anyone suggest what to try?


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