[nmglug] ssh attacks

Aaron Birenboim aaron at boim.com
Mon Aug 8 13:31:50 PDT 2022


On 8/8/22 13:35, ABQLUG Events wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> I think the answer to your questions have been hammered away pretty 
> well. But I wanted to give my 2¢.
> Are the machines on-prem, in a datacenter, or on a cloud provider 
> (such as Linode, DigitalOcean, Azure, or AWS)? Also, what distro and 
> version are you using? Having those answers can help give more 
> detailed advice.

Dynamic DNS to server in my house.  Comcast.  Debian Bullseye (11.3 ... 
does it upgrade to 11.4 if I apt upgrade?), behind an OpenWRT 
firewall/router/WAP/NAT.  OpenWRT forwards ports 22 and 80 to server.

Machine is also gateway between my DMZ and internal net.  Most of my 
streaming devices and guest logins stay in the DMZ.

> Above all, the biggest take away should be to use a 
> belt-and-suspenders approach. If any one approach has a flaw, you have 
> other layers of protection to fall back on.
> This is what I do on a Linode hosted Ubuntu VPS.
> 1) I set these in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> PermitRootLogin                  no
> StrictModes                      yes
> PubkeyAuthentication             yes
> AuthorizedKeysFile               .ssh/authorized_keys
> PasswordAuthentication           no
> PermitEmptyPasswords             no
> AuthenticationMethods            publickey

> 2) Before proceeding, establish a new ssh session, to make sure ssh 
> still works.
> 3) I setup some Linode firewall rules to only allow my IP address to 
> connect over port 22.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7wM5mDI1-k
> 4) Check ssh again. Then I use UFW to setup a firewall on the OS side, 
> replace with your IP address. Repeat firewall rules if you 
> have multiple hosts to ssh from.
> sudo ufw default deny incoming
> sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22
> sudo ufw enable
done.  except I have port 80 open also.

Still deciding if I should do https on 443, or have it forward to 22.  I 
used to have to do this to get out of UNM WiFi to my house.  (UNM 
allowed 443 out, but not 22)

> 5) Setup fail2ban (especially if you decide to not use any firewalls)
> https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-use-fail2ban-for-ssh-brute-force-protection/ 
will check.
> As Akkana mentioned, you really should also setup out-of-band 
> "backdoor" is critical. Especially if the server isn't on-prem and 
> easy to gain console level access. If the server hosted with a cloud 
> provider, for example Linode, you can use their Lish Console through a 
> web browser to gain console level access.
> What I do with some servers at BigByte is setup an OpenVPN server that 
> has a hole poked through the firewalls. You could also use something 
> like TailScale if you haven't setup OpenVPN before.
> And of course don't forget to use a strong and unique passphrase on 
> all of your ssh keys. If you get tired of typing in ssh passphrases, 
> you can setup a SSH agent (for example ssh-agent, Gnome Keyring, or 
> KDE Wallet) to cache the passphrases up until you reboot.
> I'm planning on doing a deep dive on using Google Authenticator to 
> setup 2FA on SSH. But I haven't gotten around to it...yet.
> https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-use-one-time-passwords-for-two-factor-authentication-with-ssh-on-ubuntu/ 
> Hope this helps!
> ~ Jared
> On 8/8/22 10:01, Aaron Birenboim wrote:
>> I've been getting constant ssh attacks, like several per minute.
>> Any suggestions?   I could change the port from 22, but I don't know 
>> if that will do much.
>> There used to be some sort of sshd wrapper which could ban an IP 
>> after failed attempts.  I think it was deprecated.   The attack IP 
>> changes, but there often a few dozen attacks from the same IP. Again, 
>> some help...  but not much.
>> I have password access disabled.  (You need to have a key to ssh in). 
>> Anything else I should do?
>> aaron
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