[nmglug] Mtg. Tonight 5:30 pm, MDT

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu May 26 08:01:44 PDT 2022

NMGLUGers, We are scheduled to meet tonight, 5:30p, MDT at the video link
https://meet.jit.si/nmglug as we are still not set on an in person meeting
Art B. has mentioned LaTeX for handling data sets and mathematics, etc. So
maybe we will have time for that.
I have some anecdotes on hardware (an HP All in One) and fresh installation
vs. upgrade. My upgrade from Xubuntu 21.10 to 22.04 by my own route was not
successful. I am now in a trial of LinuxMint 20.3.
Join us and let us know what you  are doing.
Thank you, Ted P.
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