[nmglug] to grow the community of GNU/Linux users

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 10:42:15 PDT 2022

NMGLugers, We are schedule to meet today at the virtual spot see
https://nmglug.org/ and the Meetings page. Time is 1730 MDT to 1900. We can
see if there is enough of a topic to keep going for the full time.
I have updated the "Latest" page with a post. I no longer have a laptop
computer, having donated one running Linux Mint to a local charity for
distribution to someone in need. I chose Mint because it was easier to add
languages and I loaded several Spanish sets as New Mexico is almost
Mint 21 is available, but in broken iso's. I have loaded a usb and play
with it, but it is not ready for sharing out just yet. I did upgrade a user
to Mint 20.3 and it was smooth enough with the built-in tools. For
usability and absence of issues I am more inclined to Mint over Ubuntu for
At home I am Debian and Xfce, my preferences which are a matter of taste.
For anyone with a little skill Debian is the way to go.
But for entertainment options I was intrigued by the selections in
Hypnotix, a web media streamer in Mint.
See you tonight, or have a good holiday weekend. Stay cool.
Thank you, Ted P.
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