[nmglug] Meetup Thursday, 5/23

Satsangat Khalsa satsangat at khalsa.com
Sat May 25 11:31:18 PDT 2024

Hey Ted and everybody,
   My Debian12 install came with Firefox ESR and that's what I like to
use.  I understand the Private
session is more secure in Firefox than other browsers except with regards
to Brave (2 of the creators
of FF broke off to make Brave).  What do you say?

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 6:58 AM Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com> wrote:

> NMGLUGERS, We have a chance to do an install and check out a slightly
> older machine, but one that will run Gnu/Linux nicely I think. We meet at
> NMGLUG <https://nmglug.org/meetings/> the Violet Crown for discussion and
> the install from 5.30 pm to about 7 pm. It's in the Santa Fe Railyard.
> I will bring the install media for Satsangat and we will see how it goes.
> See you there. Ted P
> On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 9:44 PM Satsangat Khalsa <satsangat at khalsa.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I'm going to bring an older laptop to this week's meeting and upgrade
>> it to Linuxmint 21.3.  Maybe, some of you can bring current projects as
>> well.  I'm not sure of the exact startup time.  Ted, can you chime in on
>> that.
>> Best to you all and hope to see you there,
>> Satsangat Khalsa
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