[nmglug] Meetup Thursday, 5/23

Jonathan Haack jonathan at jonathanhaack.com
Sat May 25 13:50:35 PDT 2024

Imho, use FF. There's absolutely nothing Brave does/has that FF cannot 
do the same and/or better. Plus, you avoid the questionable 
telemetry/features and have no need to opt-out of all of its bloatware.

On 5/25/24 12:31 PM, Satsangat Khalsa wrote:
> Hey Ted and everybody,
>    My Debian12 install came with Firefox ESR and that's what I like to 
> use.  I understand the Private
> session is more secure in Firefox than other browsers except with 
> regards to Brave (2 of the creators
> of FF broke off to make Brave).  What do you say?
> On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 6:58 AM Ted Pomeroy <ted.pome at gmail.com> wrote:
>     NMGLUGERS, We have a chance to do an install and check out a
>     slightly older machine, but one that will run Gnu/Linux nicely I
>     think. We meet at NMGLUG <https://nmglug.org/meetings/> the Violet
>     Crown for discussion and the install from 5.30 pm to about 7 pm.
>     It's in the Santa Fe Railyard.
>     I will bring the install media for Satsangat and we will see how
>     it goes. See you there. Ted P
>     On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 9:44 PM Satsangat Khalsa
>     <satsangat at khalsa.com> wrote:
>         Hello,
>           I'm going to bring an older laptop to this week's meeting
>         and upgrade it to Linuxmint 21.3.  Maybe, some of you can
>         bring current projects as well.  I'm not sure of the exact
>         startup time.  Ted, can you chime in on that.
>         Best to you all and hope to see you there,
>         Satsangat Khalsa
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