[nmglug] Laptop Linux Page

WA7BSZ wa7bsz at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 28 17:12:44 PDT 2004

In reference to:

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 02:19:29 +0000
> From: l.selinger at comcast.net
> Subject: [nmglug] new user to linux
> To: nmglug at nmglug.org
> hi, 
> my name is liv. 
> i recently got an old DELL laptop  with a 166 MHz processor, and 32
> MB RAM and would like to install linux on it but i have never done it
> before and have run into some troubles. i would like to bring it to
> the sfbc for your next meeting if anyone can help me/advise me on
> what to do to get started.
> thanks,
> liv

There is the Linux Laptop page with information about others having
success or failure with some older laptops:


I found that someone did succeed in installing Slackware 7 on my old
type laptop during the year 2000.  So if nothing else, I could use
that.  There are quite a number of Dell laptops listed.


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