[nmglug] Laptop Linux Page

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Tue Jun 29 08:45:26 PDT 2004

If you have a cdrom drive that is bootable, HD space, etc you should not 
have trouble installing Gnu Linux on it. The issue is speed. Bring it in 
and lets see for ourselves. Do you have the distro CD's you need?


WA7BSZ wrote:

>In reference to:
>>Message: 1
>>Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 02:19:29 +0000
>>From: l.selinger at comcast.net
>>Subject: [nmglug] new user to linux
>>To: nmglug at nmglug.org
>>my name is liv. 
>>i recently got an old DELL laptop  with a 166 MHz processor, and 32
>>MB RAM and would like to install linux on it but i have never done it
>>before and have run into some troubles. i would like to bring it to
>>the sfbc for your next meeting if anyone can help me/advise me on
>>what to do to get started.
>There is the Linux Laptop page with information about others having
>success or failure with some older laptops:
>I found that someone did succeed in installing Slackware 7 on my old
>type laptop during the year 2000.  So if nothing else, I could use
>that.  There are quite a number of Dell laptops listed.
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