[nmglug] Re: [NMLUG] Absorb NMLUG into NMOSUG

Jason Davis mohadib at openactive.org
Sat Nov 13 13:50:14 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-11-12 at 16:33, Mars DeLapp wrote:
> Sarang wrote:
> > I'm on both the NMLUG and NMOSUG mailing lists, and have noticed that NMOSUG...
> I'm on all three NMLUG, NMGLUG and NMOSUG mailing lists.
> I noticed that the NMGLUG
> * meets EVERY two weeks
> * Built a public access GNU/Linux terminal that gets constant use and exposes many to GNU/Linux
> * Hosted a meeting with Richard Stallman
> * Provided the equipment and manpower to stream the High Mayhem Music Festival on the internet.
> * Is working with the New Mexico Solar Energy Association to build a new GNU/Linux based web/email/ecommerce server.
> NMGLUG was created as an off-shoot from NMLUG.
> Considering all this, and all the good that is coming from one organization splitting into two, I propose that the 
> NMGLUG, NMLUG and NMOSG each split into at least two organizations each.
> I suggest we act more like Replicators than Borg.
> Mars

HAHAHAHA nice Mars.
 Truly I would like a more Borg like approach , a group united sharing
the same or similar goals doing group activities to better utilize the
talents and resources of the individual 'groups' :P ....Yet each unit
should able be a distinct cell capable of doing its own thing to empower
the world with Linux ... and empower fellow Linux users with the right
commands (I.E. update-rc.d myScrip start 99 2 3 4 5 . stop 99 2 3 4 5 6
. ugh) and advice (Use Debian :p).  

 I feel that the New Mexico GNU/Open Source user base is too small to be
splintered (I.E we have at least 3 separate mailing list:( )
It is my request that we at the very least have one *super* mailing list
that will allow all *three* groups to communicate and receive the mails 
from each list. This should be the preferred list to post to for all
questions and comments for all the NM GNU/OSS list :) Or we should make
it so you can post to your preferred list and the *super* mailing list
gets a copy ... . I think everyone gets the point. I have not ran any
mailing list software or I would be more specific.

So.. Mars , I'm only on the NMGLUG list right now , so could you please
forward this to the other 2 list you are on. If anyone is interested in
the *super* mailing list or some such please contact me , the NMGLUG ,
or Jason Schafer( js at jasonschaefer.com ).

Also I would like to take a moment to comment on all the events
sponsored/organized by the NMGLUG. Most if not all of the events the
NMGLUG has participated in have been because of the work and leadership
of Jason Schaefer with essential contributions from the rest of the
members of the NMGLUG. I'm very happy to be part of a group thats is so
driven , open , and generally cool... except for sam , pi , and novello

Jason Davis
mohadib at openactive.org
There was this guy, and he was always requesting shows that had already played. Yes. No. 
You have to tell her before. He couldn't quite grasp the idea that the charge nurse couldn't 
make it be yesterday. She couldn't turn back time, thank you, Einstein! Now, *he* was nuts! 
*He* was a fruitcake, Jim!

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