[nmglug] Re: [NMLUG] NMLUG and NMGLUG and NMOSUG
Hans Fugal
fugalh at xmission.com
Sun May 8 22:16:42 PDT 2005
Thanks for the interesting histories. I can see the need for a Santa
Fe group and a greater Abq group. Since the names don't help much,
maybe that distinction could be made on the respective websites.
I'm actually not in New Mexico now, but will be in Las Cruces in the
fall to start grad school at NMSU. I haven't been able to find any
groups on the web for the Las Cruces area, does anyone here know of
any? Are any of you in Las Cruces?
On May 7, 2005, at 5:43 PM, Mars DeLapp wrote:
> Hans Fugal wrote:
>> Pardon my ignorance (and the crosspost), but neither website nor
>> google
>> answers the question that anyone looking for a LUG in New Mexico
>> must
>> ask. What is the relationship between NMLUG and NMGLUG, and why
>> do both
>> exist?
> Here is some of the history.
> NMGLUG is a fork of NMLUG. Or maybe it's just the Northern New
> Mexico Chapter of
> the NMLUG?
> NMLUG is the New Mexico [BSD] and Linux Users Group.
> It was existing primarily as a maillist with a web site with pretty
> much static
> content. There were occasional meetings in Albuquerque but not often.
> In January of 2003, on the NMLUG mailing list,
> http://nmlug.org/pipermail/nmlug/2003-January/subject.html
> Jason Schaefer suggested having some meetings in Santa Fe. And a
> small group of
> NMLUG members started meeting every two weeks at the Santa Fe
> Baking Company in
> Santa Fe.
> The Santa Fe group decided we should have our own web site. And
> after Richard
> Stallman attended one of the meetings in Santa Fe in September
> 2003, we decided
> that we wanted to emphasize the Gnu part of Gnu/Linux and chose the
> New Mexico
> Gnu/Linux Users Group name and NMGLUG.org.
> Originally, ALL of the nmglug email list members were also members
> of the nmlug
> email list. But that has changed.
> So here is a summary as I see it:
> http://www.nmlug.org - An email list with people all over the
> state. No
> meetings. The place where everybody meets. A good place to ask for
> support. The
> only one I know of that includes BSD user(s?).
> http://www.nmglug.org - An email list with people primarily in the
> Santa Fe
> area. Regular meetings in Santa Fe, hands-on support at most meetings,
> occasional presentations. Primarily focused on Debian and recently
> Ubuntu
> distributions.
> http://www.nmosug.org/ -New Mexico Open Source User Group - A group in
> Albuquerque, formerly associated with TVI. Has recently be having
> regular meetings.
> There appears to be lots of folks who are members of all three
> groups, and a lot
> of cross posting.
> Mars
> --
> =============================================================
> J. Marsden DeLapp, PE
> President
> DeLapp & Associates, Inc. dba DeLapp Engineering.
> Providing lighting and power planning, design and analysis services
> for commercial, industrial and large residential facilities.
> 1300 Luisa St Ste 23
> Santa Fe NM 87505
> (505) 983-5557
> http://DeLapp.com
> =============================================================
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