[nmglug] OpenDL developer wanted

Aaron Birenboim NMOSUG eunichs at boim.com
Mon Jun 26 11:27:02 PDT 2006

We are looking for some help with developing a small
Open Scene Graph (Open-GL) based visualization application.

It (mostly) involves painting some data derived from video
cameras onto a MODEL of what the camera was watching.

i.e.  We have video of a camera tracking a car.
      We have a 3D Model of the car.
      We want to paint the MODEL of the car, using
      the details from the Video of the car, and
      then be able to view the trideo if the car.

      Some of these cameras are things like THERMAL
      imaging.  So we are doing things like PAINTING
      the model of the car with TEMPERATURE data,
      then viewing the car from angles at which it
      was NOT seen....  using the 3-D model.

AFAIK, this is pretty straightforward in OpenSceneGraph.
We have models, and trajectories.  There is (rumored) to be
a way to define a "picture" to paint on the model.
That should do the trick.

Contractors welcome.
We don't have enough OpenGL work lined up for a permanent/full-time
hire... but we are small.  If you want a longer term relationship,
we will pursue more OpenGL (or whatever) work for you.


     for details

Aaron Birenboim        | I have an inferiority complex
Albuquerque, NM        |   ... but its not a very
aaron_at_birenboim.com |       good one.
>http://aaron.boim.com |

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