[nmglug] Thanks,

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Mon Feb 26 09:17:08 PST 2007

Hi Andres

This is a script I use _for_ a domain. You can hack this (remove 
ifmember, etc) to work for you.
MS batch scripting is very strange, but oddly functional... Similar to 

Let me know if you need any help.


@echo off

echo Please wait while you logon to domain.

net time %logonserver% /set /y

IF NOT EXIST %windir%\IFMEMBER.EXE copy \\server\netlogon\ifmember.exe 

rem net use * /delete /yes
net use s: \\server\share /persistent:no
net use h: \\server\home\%USERNAME% /persistent:no
net use t: \\server\db /persistent:no

ifmember payroll
IF NOT %errorlevel% EQU 1 GOTO accounting

net use r: \\server\payroll /persistent:no

ifmember accounting

IF NOT %errorlevel% EQU 1 GOTO purchasing

net use q: \\server\accounting /persistent:no

ifmember purchasing
IF NOT %errorlevel% EQU 1 GOTO END

net use p: \\server\purchasing /persistent:no


Andres Paglayan wrote:
> for yesterday's input,
> ldap,
> I installed phpldapadmin and it looks like a great tool to administer 
> (and learn) ldap
> iptables, I'll wait for M$ ticket response,
> in the meantime I'll post a msg to the netfilter list and possibly 
> migrate my subnet to an unique number
> Jason,
> this one is for you,
> I have a 2000 server, is a domain controller,
> serves an application to all users and files,
> I won't need the app any more at the end of this year,
> so I'd like to migrate the file server over samba
> but still be able to run the app from the w domain controller
> (all with a single login)
> is that startup script you were talking about in the public domain?
> Thanks,
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