[nmglug] EPC Meeting

DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Fri Feb 22 10:16:14 PST 2008

Yesterday we had a meeting at the EPC building for part of our EPC 
project. We inventoried computers and did some limited testing in 
preparation for the configuration of the EPC computer Lab
that we start this Sunday at 10:00am.  Thanks to Tina, Eric, and Mike for 
getting the meeting organized.

We have the need for these items:

cat5 cable and crimpers
48 port switch
extra computers (if you have one to donate)
Dry eraser, and markers
A good UPS (uninterrupted power supply)
Extra Memory (dimms)
(14) 2" binders for Ubuntu Manuals

Things to think about in the future for the Computer Lab:
Copy Scanner station
File and print server
Dans Guardian and Squid "filtering"

Please see this page for more information about the EPC project

David Thomas
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