[nmglug] Spa algorithm, para port, hiliostat project.

Andres Paglayan andres at paglayan.com
Sun Jan 11 05:20:22 PST 2009

you may find this link interesting,

its a DIY solar tracker, that uses no electronics at all, just "thermal"

On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 04:50 -0700, akaluta wrote:

> Dear Glug Persons;
> Now,I am able to access my parallel port,significant to me and thanks
> again to all.
> .
> CONCEPT IN QUESTION: read the pertinent part of the spa.c
> http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/codesandalgorithms/spa/ , output,to a
> stepper motor control program driving motors x,y respectively.
> QUESTION PER SE: looking for an analogous sample program or snippet
> which could a read "spa",in this instance every twenty seconds, and
> write to a stepper program. suspect the solution would include time.h. 
> Anyone able to point me in the direction? Best Regards, Anthony K
> The project as it stands is a heliostat, electo-mechanically controlled
> heating my concrete bathroom floor with a conservative pre-loss output
> of 7200 btu's. wishing to add computer control.
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