[nmglug] Computer Donations Shop 501, anyone interested?

Doug Schocke dougl at cybermesa.com
Tue Mar 24 17:54:45 PDT 2009

Computer Donations Shop 501c3.

Are you interested in computers or in their recycling or would like to
have a share a shop space to work on computers. We are already recycling
computers but need help expand. Currently we have two small locations, a
rebuild or scrape shop and a storage space in different places. Also we
want to expand to including computer apprenticeships. An apprentice
program would teaching students and adults how to evaluate and repair
computers. A training location would be a useful contribution to our
local economy and individuals. My estimate is that to run such a shop
would cost about $1000 per month. 

At this time I am pay $300 for the less than 300 square foot shop and in
a separate location another $125 for 350 square foot the storage space.
I will continue to pay out the same amount on any new combined space.
But a new combined space will cost more. 

The organization, CybernetworkNM, is a 501c3 organization and any
contribution would be a charitable tax deduction on your taxes. Also any
donation of computers and equipment would be a charitable tax deduction
on your taxes. 

Also a real shop could act as meeting and training place for computer
user clubs including all operating systems, windows, mac and linux. Yes
we can get along and maybe even teach each other something. 

Would you be interest in joining this project, helping with costs or
have any suggestions or comments? Any help will be appreciated. We have
applied for several grants but nothing has been awarded.

Doug Schocke

Doug Schocke, Ph D
210 La Cruz Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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