[nmglug] Help my bro'

BrianO'Keefe okeefe at cybermesa.com
Thu Jan 21 15:13:13 PST 2010

I'm writing for my brother who was running Karmic on a Microtel desktop.
He'd been having trouble with blank cds (data cds and dvds didn't cause 
this problem) crashing his box so he uninstalled and then installed udev 
Now when he tries to boot the box goes into a memory test and then 
reboots into the memory test over and over. He tried to check the 
installed kernels to choose one that might boot but there are none 
listed (he pressed "esc" to see the list-it's empty).
He tried booting from a live cd and that won't work either. The cd drive 
spins but nothing else.
Any ideas? guidance?



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