[nmglug] Albuquerque Manzano Mesa Multi-generational Center; queries

Anthony J. Bentley anthony at anjbe.name
Wed May 17 23:36:02 PDT 2017

Hi Tom,

Tom Ashcraft writes:
> I took an impromptu opportunity this morning to do a casual survey of 
> MMMGC to ask about the possibility of Albuquerque-based nmglug mailing 
> list members having some meetings there.

Thanks for looking into this!

> I spoke briefly to facility coordinator Tyler Dunn who asked me which 
> Linux group I was talking about.  Turns out NM Computer Society-Linux 
> already meets there 2nd Thursdays 7:15-8:45 pm. Anyone already familiar 
> with this group?

I was not aware of this group or that they met there. It's not
advertised in the newsletter, at least. This looks like it might be
their website:


> Finally, I emailed Ed to state that I would try to gather assessments of 
> or gage desire for actual use of the lab computers versus simpler and 
> more available meeting/presentation/discussion/workspace, etc.--which I 
> am hereby doing...

I personally would bring my own laptop to such meetings.

Anthony J. Bentley

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