[nmglug] [ABQLUG] ABQ Meetup tonight at 6 pm (07/30/2019)

ABQLUG community at abqlug.com
Tue Jul 30 08:39:35 PDT 2019

Fellow NMGLUGers,

I'm going to host the next ABQLUG meetup tonight at 6:00 pm. It will be 
at Ideas & Coffee again.

For more detailed information on how to attend, visit: 

Since I will be on vacation during the beginning of August, ABQLUG will 
not be meeting during all of August. Unless, anyone wants to volunteer 
to be a host. Which I am totally open to.

The succeeding meetup will be on September 3rd.

I have no official topic for this meeting. I would like to have fun. So 
if anyone has any ideas to some games, I'm all ears.

I hope to see you there!

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