[nmglug] Things to do to fill the day

Don Crowder donguitar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 12:39:46 PDT 2020

Thanks, I ran across it, as GNU/Linux OS, a couple of days ago and was
curious about it but I don't currently have a machine I'm willing to use
for distro-hopping so I did no more than read about it.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 11:36 AM Brian O'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I was poking around and looking at a website specifically re: Gnu and the
> Hurd OS. Hurd doesn't really work much at all but there were 6 OSes listed
> that were certified FOSS and approved by Stallman. They each used the linux
> kernel. I downloaded PureOS and installed in as a virtual machine (in the
> non-FOSS Vbox). After a few tweaks it was up and running and I really like
> it. I would migrate to it if I had a clue how to keep everything. It's fast
> and clean, the FOSS browser works perfectly. No issues with sound nor
> anything else. It's Debian based so its Gnome GUI is very familiar.
> Just thought that I'd let you all know.
> Ciao
> --
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